U.S. Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers wins his 21st consecutive term to represent Kentucky’s Fifth Congressional District

U.S. Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers wins his 21st consecutive term to represent Kentucky’s Fifth Congressional District

SOMERSET, Ky. (Nov. 3, 2020) – U.S. Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers (KY-05) wins his 21st consecutive term to represent Kentucky’s Fifth Congressional District. Celebrating 40 years of serving the people of Southern and Eastern Kentucky, Congressman Rogers released the following statement:  

“I want to say a huge thank you to my friends across southern and eastern Kentucky! I appreciate your loyal support over the last 40 years and your continued vote of confidence. 

“Together, we’ve made great strides across our region by expanding access to clean water, better roads, specialized healthcare, broadband access and much more – but our work is not finished. 

“I make no apologies for bringing home federal funding to Eastern Kentucky. Over the last four years, I have secured $130 million dollars for a pilot grant program in Eastern Kentucky to revitalize our abandoned mine lands and make them productive areas for economic development. 

“During this pandemic, I supported the $3 trillion COVID-relief rescue package, and I personally requested $11 billion be set aside specifically for our rural hospitals to ensure they could keep their doors open to serve you and your families. 

“Like you, I envision healthier communities, with more job opportunities, a vibrant tourism industry, and a region that is fully connected to high speed broadband — and we’re getting there, mile-by-mile and dollar-by-dollar. 

“More bright young talented students are now realizing the impact they can have in their hometowns, with more college degrees available close to home — and that gives me great hope for the future of Eastern Kentucky. 

“Thank you for allowing me to be your voice in Washington. I vow to continue echoing your needs at the Appropriations table, so that your tables at home are plentiful as well. May God continue to bless every corner of southern and eastern Kentucky.”

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